Are you worried about getting Christmas gifts you order online in time for the big day? Worry no more! I am upgrading all my shipping from First Class to Priority Mail for FREE (for those within the United States)! So, you'll be paying First Class shipping prices, but getting Priority Mail service. Priority Mail shipping time is 2-3 days so you still have plenty of time to get those gifts for the children in your life. I will be offering this until December 20th after which time I cannot guarantee Christmas delivery.
New Wooden Baby Teething Ring with rainbow felt chain links
Don't forget the other offer going on in the Simply Playing shop of 10% your purchases by using the coupon code "Christmas11" upon checkout. This offer will also end on December 20th. There are still over 50 items to choose from in the shop: baby teething ring, stuffed cats, crowns, garlands, jewelery kits and magic wands. Stop in today to peruse the selections!